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How To Sync Family Tree Maker With Ancestry | Family Tree Maker Support

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For starting a tree, read the easy steps to creating a family tree online. In 2016, ancestry announced that you could sync your family tree with us.

Synchronizing Your Family Tree Is Easy!

Once you link your family tree between ancestry and family tree maker then you can easily sync your family tree. After this, if you do any changes in any of your trees that will be reflected in your sync family tree.

Getting Started

Clicking on upload and link to ancestry and you can upload your tree from ancestry to family tree maker. The best benefit of sync your family tree is if you have a tree on ancestry but not in the family tree maker. Then you can easily download your tree and link it with a family tree maker.

When you synchronize your family tree the online sharing panel in family tree maker. Then you will display the synchronizing status of two trees.

What You Should Know?

In March 2017, Ancestry and MacKiev announced the permanent retirement of TreeSync in favor of FamilySync, a new syncing technology available in the Software MacKiev’s Family Tree Maker 2017.

Family Tree Maker editions prior to 2017 can no longer sync with Ancestry trees, but older software can still be used as a stand-alone programme. Ancestry search, merge, and hints will remain functional in Family Tree Maker 2019.

Key Benefits Of Synchronizing

The key benefit of synchronizing your family tree is you will expand your own access and opportunities for sharing your tree with others.

Apart from this, some more benefits of synchronizing your family tree are:

  • Online building and access of your family tree
  • Easily share your family tree with your family and others
  • Collaborate online user with your desktop

Does Family Tree Maker 2019 Sync With Ancestry?

Yes, Ancestry announced the purchase of Family Tree Maker software by Software MacKiev in 2016 and continued to support it for a year. We worked closely with MacKiev to ensure that you would be able to upload.

Where Do I Go For Family Tree Maker Support?

All the questions should be directed to family tree maker support. If you need family tree maker support then you can take family tree maker support exerts help. If you take family tree maker support help then you will get instant support. Our toll-free number is +1-800-697-1474.

Family Tree Maker support provides the best solution to their customers. Customers can call us anytime our toll-free number is open 24/7.

Contacting Family Tree Maker Support

How Can I Continue To Connect Family Tree Maker To Ancestry?

If you want to continue to connect family tree makers to ancestry then you should have a family tree maker 2017 or 2019. After that, you can sync your family tree maker to ancestry.

Features Available In Family Tree Maker 2019

If you are using family tree maker 2019 then these features are available in family tree maker 2019:

  • Syncing your Family Tree Maker trees to your Ancestry trees 
  • Searching Ancestry’s databases and merging data into your tree 
  • Viewing Ancestry Hints 
  • Uploading and downloading a tree 
  • Web dashboard Information 
  • Syncing your Family Tree Maker trees to your Ancestry trees 

Where You Can Buy Family Tree Maker 2019?

If you want to family tree maker 2019 or any other version then click here.

Do I Need Re-Register With Software Mackiev?

If you are a member of the European Union, then you do not need to re-register with the Software Mackiev. You can take our subscription for new product information, free updates, and discounted upgrades.


I hope this post is beneficial to you and now you sort out your family tree sync problem. Now you can easily sync your family tree. Here we give some faq questions to you that people also ask.


#Q1: What is family sync?

Ans: Family sync means that you can attach your family tree with another genealogy software or website. After syncing the family tree you can easily transfer your family data like photos and people between trees.

#Q2: What genealogy program syncs with ancestry?

Ans: RootsMagic software program sync with ancestry. You can also use family tree maker software to sync your family tree with ancestry.

#Q3: How much is family tree maker 2019?

Ans: The cost of family tree maker 2019 is $79.95 for a single copy.

#Q4: Can I upgrade the family tree maker?

Ans: You can upgrade the family tree maker’s latest version at a discount price.

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