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Introducing All New Ancestry Update 2024

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Ancestry Update 2024

Hello ancestry users, there is a big announcement from ancestry. Ancestry brings an update on this February that may affect you. Perhaps you don’t like these updates, but you must know about this. In this post, we will tell all about the ancestry update 2024. So, be with this article and learn all about what’s new in Ancestry Update 2024.

What’s New In Ancestry 2024 Updates?

For a long time, ancestry has been slowly rolling over to those people who are using ancestry for free. And now in February 2024, ancestry announces a big update on AncestryDNA. Let’s check out what these updates are and how they affect ancestry users.

Only For AncestryDNA Test Kit

Here, we give some features that are now only included with the Ancestry DNA test kit, please check.

  • Ethnicity estimate
  • DNA communities
  • View DNA matches
  • View up to 3 shared DNA Matches
  • Message or contact Matches
  • Match notes Creation
  • Your Matches organize
  • Compare DNA
  • 3 shared matches checking
  • 3 traits
  • Compare up to 3 traits with someone

These are some points or features that now you can only use for the Ancestry DNA test kit.

Only For Ancestry DNA Plus Membership

Check what you will get only for AncestryDNA Plus Membership.

  • Shared Matches Tool
  • Match Surnames in Matches’ Trees
  • Match Birthplaces in Matches’ Trees
  • Preview of DNA Match’s Trees, up to 7 Generations
  • View Common Ancestors
  • ThruLines
  • Access to Public Trees and Trees Invited To
  • All Traits
  • View Matches by Parent
  • View Ethnicities by Parent
  • View Communities by Parent
  • View Traits by Parent
  • Ethnicity Chromosome Painter (by Parent)

Only For Ancestry Family History Membership

If you have an ancestry family history membership then you can use all the above features. Apart from this, you can also see Match’s full trees.


So, this is all about ancestry update 2024. If you have any questions or issues regarding ancestry then you can contact us at our toll-free number +1-800-697-1474.

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