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Major Problems of Family Tree Maker 2017

family tree maker 2017 problems
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I think you are very well familiar with the family tree maker and its versions like family tree maker 2017 and 2019. It is, isn’t it? In this post, we describe family tree maker 2017 problems. If you are using family tree maker 2017 then you should read this post.

So as we know that Family Tree Maker 2017 is a software and in the software anytime occurring any problem. It is, isn’t it? That’s why in this post, we bring you family tree maker 2017 problems. So that the user of the family tree maker easily gets the answers to their questions.

Apart from this, you can also check the FAQ questions section that we give at the last of the article. It helps you to get you the answer to your issues quickly.

We focus on the main problems that family tree maker 2017 users face. So read the full article and get the best solutions to your problems.

So let starts with what is family tree maker 2017.

What Is Family Tree Maker 2017?

Family Tree Maker 2017 is one of the latest versions of family tree maker which is a genealogy software. Family Tree Maker 2017 is used for creating a family tree. If you want to know the latest version of the family tree maker then we tell you that family tree maker 2019 is the latest version of FTM.

People used family tree makers to make an online family tree. If you want to make a family tree online then family tree maker 2019 and family tree maker 2017 are one of the best genealogy software.

When Family Tree Maker 2017 Released?

Family Tree Maker 2017 was released on 31, March 2017. Still, then, it became popular genealogy software. It has some best features that make it so popular. Still, some times occur some problems. That’s why we need to write this article.

Family Tree Maker 2017 Problems

Here we have some major issues that know as family tree maker 2017 problems. Some of the major problems are functional problems, GEDCOM import problems, and GEDCOM export problems.

In this post, we will tell you brief details. So stay tuned with us.

Functional Problems

Many customers continue to have difficulty syncing their trees with Ancestry, ranging from the failure to sync at all to profile duplication or other corruption concerns. Other customers report regular crashes or freezes, particularly on Windows, needing a computer restart in certain cases.

Another issue that several users have mentioned and that I have personally observed with FTM for Mac (not sure about Windows) is that Web Merge can sometimes mix up relationships, such as husbands and wives or dads and mothers. The father in the record, on the other hand, was identical to the father in my tree.

UPDATE: According to a Software MacKiev representative, the Ancestry server, not FTM, is to blame for the inaccurate relationships.

The Filter tool in both Mac and Windows does not filter out dates that are blank, which is a problem I’ve discovered. If you follow these steps, you will be able to:

1. Select the Filter option from the drop-down menu.

2. Individuals can be filtered by any fact that includes a location name.

3. Individuals might be filtered out based on any fact date that isn’t blank.

Individuals with blank dates do appear in the filtered list, however. Functions should perform as intended and documented.

GEDCOM Import Problem

  • FTM GEDCOM 5.5.1 compliance was already pledged by MacKiev president Jack Minsky. That was planned to happen in FTM 2017, but events conspired to prevent it. I’m hoping and expecting that to happen in the next update, not the next bug-fix release, but soon after that.
  • The tag NPFX has been imported improperly into the Title box. NPFX should be imported into a distinct Name Prefix field in GEDCOM (UI. Only use the title for nobility titles (King, Queen, Duke, Countess, etc.).
  • In the Also Known As box, the tag NICK is imported. It would be preferable if it had its own Nickname field (UI change required).

GEDCOM Export Problem

  • While the CORP’s Address Structure is formatted appropriately, the Submitter and Repository addresses are incorrect. They should be formatted similarly to the CORP, using the ADDR and CONT tags. They can also use the ADR1, CITY, STAE, POST, and CTRY tags, but they must follow the standard: “The address structure should be built as it would appear on a mailing label utilising the ADDR and CONT lines to form the address structure.
  • Tag IDNO was correctly imported, but it was exported using EVEN instead of IDNO.
  • When the tag SLGC (LDS Sealing Child) was exported, it was lacking the essential tag FAMC.

Improvement That Needed

Allow users to filter out matches in their family tree or records. I frequently refuse to see family tree matches or choose to examine them independently.

“This Member Tree record is not currently available,” therefore don’t show any matches. The sync log, on the other hand, only shows “Deleted> person” for deleted people.

Cosmetic Issues

In addition to the issues I mentioned in my assessment, the Web Clipping tool in Web Search has some flaws:

1. The phrase “Click here for extra help with web clipping” does not lead to any help website.

2. The grey text in the Web Clipping box blends in with the grey background almost completely (not good for people with visual disabilities)

3. It’s difficult to tell when the Web Clipping button is off and when it’s on.

Want Technical Support

If you want any technical support regarding family tree maker 2017 or any other version then call the family tree maker support number. Our toll-free number is +1-800-697-1474. Our helpline is available 24/7.

You can also do a family tree maker live chat. Our technical team members are always ready to help you and give you the best solution. Here we have a FAQ questions section, so check our FAQ questions on Family Tree Maker 2017 Problems.

FAQ Questions: Family Tree Maker 2017 Problems

Here we have some FAQ questions on family tree maker 2017 problems.

#Q1. Is Family Tree Maker 2017 Windows 10 compatible?

Ans: Family Tree Maker 2017 and its later version is fully compatible with Windows 10.

#Q2. How do I update Family Tree Maker?

Ans: If you don’t know about the update of the family tree maker and want to update your genealogy software. For getting help go to help from the top left.

#Q3. How much does Family Tree Maker 2017 cost?

Ans: Full cost of family tree maker 2017 is $89.95 for DVD+Download. For USB+Download you have to pay $99.95.

#Q4. How much is Family Tree Maker 2019?

Ans: Full price of family tree maker 2019 is $79.95 and the upgrade price is $59.95. If you want to upgrade it right now then you can get a special discount which is $49.95.

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