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How To Use Tree Browser To Manage Your Family Tree?

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What Is Tree Browser In FTM 2019 And How To Use It?

If you are a family tree user and want to manage your family tree in an easy way then a tree browser makes it easy for you. A Tree browser service is an easy way to locate and manage all of your trees in just one place. If you want to know what is a tree browser feature in FTM 2019 and how it works then go through with this article. In this article, you will get the easiest way to use the Tree browser in FTM 2019. If you need any help or support you can go for the expert team instantly via live chat or call support.

So let’s start the topic with what is tree browser in Family Tree Maker 2019.

What Is Tree Browser In Family Tree Maker 2019 Sostware?

A tree browser is the easiest way to view and manage all of your trees in a single place. You can manage all trees in one place whether it is on a family tree maker, ancestry, or Tree vault antenna tree.

Tree browser service helps you to find what you are looking for and whatever you need to know.

Using Tree Browser In FTM 2019 For Mac And Windows

For using the tree browser service in family tree maker 2019, please follow the given instructions.

  1. First, click on view from the menu and then select the browser service
  2. After this, you can check all the tree’s windows.
  3. The left part of the window that you want to view. Group of the tree you can check the given options for all trees, FTM folder, ancestry, and TreeVault.
  4. To narrow your search for a particular tree, you can use the sort by and show popup options from the menu.
  5. Information on the selected tree will show in the right part of the tree browser window. From here you can open or delete your tree.

This is how you can use the tree browser service in FTM 2019 for Mac and Windows.


This is all in this post. For getting instant help please call +1-800-697-1474. For getting free support use FTM live chat support.

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