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Download Family Tree Maker 2019 on Mac & Windows?

Download Family Tree Maker 2019 on Mac & Windows?
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Do you need help downloading FTM 2019 on your Mac or Windows? Well then you have reached the perfect place you ought.  In this post, we have provided you with the most suitable solutions that will help you get done in no time. Also, know that this is specifically creating for users who already have purchased Family Tree Maker 2019.

Well, whether you are in a situation where you might have lost the original email sent to you through Family Tree Maker when you first purchased the program. So if in case the download links given in your purchase email are no longer active or you do not have a copy of the downloaded installer. It doesn’t matter what your situation may be, you just need to follow along this blog to have all your concerns answered. Hence you should be able to easily download FTM 2019 for Mac and Windows without any problem.

Moreover, if already have pre-ordered the Family Tree Maker 2019 program and you did not receive the download link yet then you will need to click on the link for further guidance and any help required, doing so, you will then learn how to get links through the FTM Upgrade Center.

Downloading FTM 2019 for Mac & Windows

Learn how to pick up download links at the replacement centre:

  1. You need to first click to access the ‘Family Tree Maker 2019 Replacement Center.’ Next, you need to fill out the form (remember to fill out all the fields) and then click on ‘Verify User’.
  2. Now if you have entered your information correctly, then you should see this message on your screen ‘You may download your FTM 2019 copy for free.’ So when you see this message you just need to click on ‘Continue’ to proceed with the next.
  3. After that, on the next displayed page, you will see three options for FTM 2019; download, DVD + Download and USB + Download.’ Well, you must note that the ‘Download’ option is already included in your order, but you could also add a DVD or a USB driver if you wish. You can now choose any one option that suits you best and then just click on ‘Next’.
  4. On the next screen, you will see an optional ‘Family Pack’ If you want you can read more about it by clicking on the ‘Show Details’ option.
  5. When you are done clicking on ‘Next’ you should be directed to the ‘Family Tree Maker Gift Collection’ section. Here on this screen, you may wonder how free updates and support provided for FTM 2019 is. If this is what you’re thinking then you will be happy to know that we have many special offers for FTM users. And these offers will help you to research and also help to fund the ongoing development. Now you just got to click on ‘Next’ to continue through each page of the ‘Gift Collection.’ When you finally get the order page then you should click on the ‘Order Now’ button.

Family Tree Maker 2019

  1. On the displayed page you now need to fill in your order details and then click on the ‘Next’ button.
  2. You then need to make sure that you click on the ‘Complete Order’ button on your current page which has your order summary. After which you should see that the next page has the download links for FTM 2019 for Windows and Mac. Following that you need to click to start downloading the FTM installer. Also, note that you will receive the download links via email. Alternatively, you have to click on the link which matches your operating system and then you just need to move on to the next section. The ‘Downloading and Installing’ section.

How to Install Family Tree Maker 2019 Software?

IMPORTANT: kindly note that the FTM 2019 installer will remain on your computer after you have finished installing it. Hence you must make sure that you run the FTM 2019 program from the new icon after you have finished installing it (as mentioned in step 2).

  1. After you have purchased FTM 2019 or have gone through the FTM 2019 Upgrade Center to confirm you’re pre-order. Then you should receive the download links on your browser screen as well as on your email address. Remember to find the link that matches your operating system such as Windows or Mac and then just click on the link to download the installer file.
  2. Now once you are done downloading the installer file, you must double-click on it and then follow the given on-screen instructions. Then as soon as the installation procedure is complete you will see a new icon for Family Tree Maker 2019. If it is for Windows, you will find it on your desktop by default. If for Mac then you should see it located in the ‘Dock’ or right under the ‘Applications’ folder by default.

However, if you encounter any sort of issues or you need any further help. You can feel free to reach out to us at Family Tree Maker Support Number +1-800-697-1474 or Live Chat any time. You will be assist right away by the most experienced and eligible techs who are capable and efficient to guide you with the best solutions ever.

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